Nadine Guthrie went to McDonald’s once a month and purchased 41 Egg McMuffin® breakfast sandwiches. She would eat one or two each day. This allowed her just enough time to keep the sandwiches in the refrigerator without the eggs going sour. She used to go once every 3 months and buy 124 sandwiches but around sandwich 86 she started getting stomach cramps and decided to make a change, despite the extra miles it put on her automobile.
Every morning she took out two sandwiches and put them in an old paper bag along with a packet of mustard and a single strand of dental floss. She would drive to her job and dump the contents on her desk and microwave one of the egg sandwiches for 1 and 1/2 minutes. "Just long enough to melt the cheese and remove the rigor mortis from the English muffin".
She would then pry open the sandwich and squeeze about a 3rd of the mustard on and smash the bread back down so it would “spread and mingle”. If she was still hungry she would do this again. If she was not she would floss the debris from her teeth, fold the mustard packet over, and put everything back in the bag to use for the next day.
This caused some overlap in the mustard to sandwich ratio because it was not an exact rationing. Some days she had too little and some days more than enough. "That's life" she would remark.
She would reuse the dental floss but would throw it away when it started to fray on uneven dental work from her mandibular lateral incisor.